Welcome to the web pages of the Woonsocket Housing Authority. Please take some time to explore our site and find out what we have to offer. We hope you take advantage of the information and opportunities we provide.
Mission Statement:
The Woonsocket Housing Authority is dedicated to excellence in providing quality, affordable, and safe housing to eligible persons consistent with community needs.
We foster effective and creative partnerships to maximize opportunities that improve economic and personal well-being of the people we serve.
Our agency conducts its business in an efficient, professional, and ethical manner without discrimination.
Who We Are:
The Woonsocket Housing Authority was incorporated in 1940 by the State of Rhode Island to provide affordable housing opportunities within the City of Woonsocket. There are 6 public housing developments in Woonsocket including 4 elderly/disabled high rises and 2 family developments. The Woonsocket Housing Authority also administers a Housing Choice Voucher program. The WHA is dedicated to improving the quality of life of our most vulnerable neighbors while helping them achieve self-sufficiency.
Statement of Confidentiality:
The Woonsocket Housing Authority affirms that confidentiality of sensitive information is a basic client right.